In Lesson #2 the children learn about:
- Cruets
- Priest pouring water and wine into the chalice
- Altar servers
- Roman Missal
- How to hold books like altar servers hold books
- Candles
- Paschal Candle
Click here for the PDF of Lesson #2.
They play a game to review the items at Mass that they have learned about.
Update: Last year I was working with another parish and some of the items in their church looked very different from the ones I had pictures of. I made a new set of cards with pictures that reflect their church. I am calling them “pictures option #2”. Choose the ones that work best for you!
The 8.5″ x 11″ review game PDF is printed onto two sheets of paper/cardstock. Trim off the white edge of one sheet and tape the two sheets together.

And they make “Shine with the Light of Jesus” Jack-o-lanterns.
This PDF has the large pictures needed for this lessson.
Click the picture to go to a Little Lambs lesson:
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