I was looking for a craft that would show the true meaning of the Christmas season AND would not be left lying on a counter where it would not be seen again for months AND could be made by preschool/kindergarten children with some help from their parents. I found this craft but knew with the size of my class that it would take too much time to help everyone cut the envelope correctly. So, I decided to make a printable that could turn into something similar and be much easier to explain how to make it.
First, print the manger on white cardstock.

I suggested that parents cut out the manger while the children cut their pieces of hay (yellow pieces of paper). Many of the children had not used scissors much so they LOVED cutting and cutting and cutting! And it did not matter what the “hay” looked like so they could not do it wrong.

Hang on a door knob or on the Christmas tree as a way to remind you of the real reason for the season!
Check out Danielle’s Place for other ways to make this craft.
Here are some more Advent/Christmas activities!

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