The weeks and days before Christmas can seem like forever for children. Here’s a simple to make activity to help them understand the number of days until Christmas AND understand what we celebrate at Christmas. This Advent chain has Bible verses that tell a small part of the Nativity story each day. There is also a prayer suggestion for each day.
Since Advent is not a set number of days. — it can be 22 to 28 days long — all daily activities for Advent need to be adaptable for the different number of possible days.
To adjust this Advent chain:
- If Advent is 28 days long, use the first four pages of this chain.
- If Advent is less than 28 days, uses pages 1,2,3, & 5. (Note: pages 4 and 5 are the same except that page 5 does not have numbers).
- Figure out how many days Advent will be, and pick enough links from page 5 to complete your chain.
- After printing page 5, add numbers to the chain links you will be using from page 5
- For example, if you have a 24-day Advent, you could choose the first, second, and last link on page 5 to complete your Advent chain. Give them the numbers 22, 23, and 24.
Print the Advent chain. I like to print the first, second, and fourth page (or fifth, if you are adapting for a shorter Advent) on lavender paper and the third page on pink paper. This reflects the colors of the Advent wreath (3 purple candles and one pink candle).
Print the star on colored cardstock or on white cardstock (and color the star).
Nativity Story Advent Chain pdf
Cut apart the links on the black lines and cut out the star.
Make a “chain link” with the #1 strip of paper by gluing the ends together. I like to use glue sticks for this.
Put #2 strip of paper through the link made with strip #1. Glue the ends of #2 to make another link.
Put #3 strip of paper through the link made with strip #2. Glue the ends to make another link.
Continue until all the strips of paper have been made into a chain.
Cut out the star and staple to link #28.
Hang in your house. Remove a link each day of Advent — beginning with link #1.

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