There are so many calendars in our lives: calendars that begin in January, school calendars that begin in August, summer sports calendars that begin in April,… With all these calendars it is so easy to not realize or to forget that there is a Church Year calendar, a Liturgical Year calendar. This calendar starts each year with the first Sunday of Advent.
I like teaching about the Liturgical Year because, as the children color the Liturgical Year calendar, those different colored vestments that priests wear suddenly make sense. There is a reason that the priests wear different colors on different days! The color for each Sunday is the color of vestments the priests wear and the color for decorating the church.

This Liturgical Year calendar can be printed on 11″ x 17″ or 8.5″ x 14″ sheet of paper. You can print it in color or in black and white. I like to print it in black and white because the process of coloring the calendar helps the children learn more about the Liturgical Year.
2024-2025 Liturgical Year Calendar — 14″ x 8.5″ paper
2024-2025 Liturgical Year Calendar — 17″ x 11″ paper
2023-2024 Liturgical Year Calendar — 14″ x 8.5″ paper
2023-2024 Liturgical Year Calendar — 17″ x 11″ paper
If you printed the black and white version of the Liturgical Calendar, use this coloring guide to know what color to make each Sunday.
2024-2025 Liturgical Year Calendar coloring guide
2023-2024 Liturgical Year Calendar coloring guide
On the First Sunday of Advent, I wish you a
“Happy New Year!”

Click on the picture to make a liturgical year “puzzle”.
I am a Director of Faith formation, and I would like to print out the liturgical year calendar to give to our families. There are 93 families. I wanted to ask your permission before I did this.
God Bless,
David Alcott
Director of Faith Formation
Yes, you may print the liturgical year calendar for all your families. May God bless your ministry!
Wonderful, Thanks!
I hope to use these calendars for my Faith Formation Advent lesson. I have about 20 students. I hope this is permissible.
Thank you,
Marcy S
I’m so glad you will be able to use them in your class! May God bless you in your ministry.
Many thanks! God bless you!
I’m wondering for your permission to print the Liturgical Calendar, for religious education purposes. We have about 40 students.
Thank you 😊
Maria O. Leon
Saint Joseph Church
I’m sorry I am slow in responding. You may definitely print the Liturgical Calendar for your religious education students. Blessings on your ministry!
This is a very helpful tool for faith formation. Thank you! One question…why isn’t All Saints Day marked as a Holy Day of Obligation?
I made a mistake. Thank you for letting me know about it! I corrected it and you can now download the corrected document. Happy and blessed Advent!
Are you going to make a calendar for the 2022-2023 Liturgical Year? We use these calendars every year in our parish Rel Ed Program, they are amazing!
So glad you are using the Liturgical Year Calendar! I am planning to update it for the coming liturgical year. Hopefully it will be on the website soon.
Hi, Anne,
What a great resource!
May I print 130 for our Faith Formation Families?
Thank you for sharing God’s Love & Mercy.
Femy Wesolowski
Faith Formation Coordinator
Our Lady of Lourdes Church, Guam, USA
I get so many spam comments that I missed yours so this comment is a year late but maybe it will be helpful for you (and others) this year. You may print as many copies as you need for your Faith Formation families. And thank you for your ministry!
Hi! When will you be updating the calendar for 2024-2025. I use this every year with my students! We love it!
-Mrs. Maria
I posted the updated calender for 2024-2025 today. Thank you for ministry!