Little Lambs meets monthly so I wanted a craft that includes Ascension AND Pentecost. After an internet search, I found this and this to use for Ascension but nothing for both. I decided to adapt this craft and make it for both Ascension and Pentecost.
How to make:
- Poke a hole in the bottom of a blue cup.
- Stretch some cotton balls until they look like clouds.
- Use a glue stick to glue the “clouds” to the cup.
- Print the “Jesus” figure and the “dove/fire”. I printed them on white cardstock. PDF for “Jesus” and “dove/fire”
- Color “Jesus” and the “dove/fire”.
- Cut them out.
- Tape a 16″ piece of string to the back of the “dove/fire”.
- Put the other end of the string through the hole in the bottom of the cup and down through the cup.
- Tape “Jesus” to the end of the string.
For the Ascension, the children hold onto the “dove/fire” and pull Jesus up into the cup (cloud) — Jesus ascends into heaven.
For Pentecost, the children swing down the “dove/fire” while “Jesus” is in the cup — like the Holy Spirit is coming down on the apostles.

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