In the Little Lambs’ class (3 years old – kindergarten), we spend one year focused on the Mass. At each class we learn something about the Mass: something that happens at Mass, an item used at Mass, or items found in the church. By April, the children have learned a lot about the Mass. These puzzles are a review of some of the things the children have learned over the year.
With a parent helping each child to do these puzzles, there are lots of different strategies being used.
- Some parents read the question and ask the child for the answer and, if the child doesn’t know the answer, gives clues to the answer.
- Other parents may read the question and then encourage their child to look for something that goes with the item on the first half of the puzzle.
- Some of the children catch on very quickly to ignore the questions and pictures and, instead, just look for pieces that go together. The parent then goes over the question and answer with the child.
No matter what the strategy is, the child (and the parent) is getting a good review on things we have covered.
These puzzles are easy to make.
Print on cardstock. Catholic Mass puzzle pdf
There are two puzzles on each page. Cut on the dotted line between the puzzles.
Cut down the center of the heavy black line in the center of each puzzle.
The puzzle pieces are now ready to use!
Have fun doing puzzles and learning about the Catholic Mass!

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